You’re reading documentation for ISDB, an open-source software toolkit for building databases of viral integration sites in host genomes. If this is your first time hearing about ISDB, start on the home page.

Freezing versions of an ISDB

From time to time we freeze versions of our ISDB by making a read-only copy that will never be modified. These frozen versions are linked from the data page of an ISDB website. Freezing allows analyses to lock in a specific version of the data for repeatability while still allowing corrections and new data to flow into the latest in-flight version.

Frozen versions of an ISDB are a combination of two things:

  1. A copy of the database to which only read-only access is permitted
  2. A specially regenerated copy of the website from the database copy

This provides a permanent URL for the frozen version with the various data exports as well as a full copy of the database from which custom reports can continue to be made.

Freezing a new version

Copy the database

The recommended form of the copied database name is isdb_ followed by the name you’ll use for the frozen version. Dates are recommended, meaning that the database name would look like: isdb_2016-03-25.

It’s highly recommended that only read-only access is permitted to the copied database, i.e. only access as isdb_ro or a member of isdb_ro.

To create the copy, run the following as a Postgres superuser on your database server:

createdb -T isdb -O isdb_admin isdb_2016-03-25

(Replace -T isdb with the name of your live database if it’s not isdb.)

You may also want to make a backup snapshot of the frozen database so you can recover it precisely in the future:

pg_dump -F c -b -C -f isdb_2016-03-25-frozen.pgdb isdb_2016-03-25

Generate a frozen website

With the database copy you can now generate a frozen version of the website.

First fetch a clone of your ISDB website’s git repository and make sure it’s up-to-date with the remote. In the example below, that’s at the path ../isdb-web/.

Now run generate-website using an invocation similar to the following:

env PGUSER=isdb_ro PGHOST=ireland PGDATABASE=isdb_2016-03-25 \
    ./bin/generate-website \
        --compare \
        --freeze-as 2016-03-25 \

Note that you should connect as the read-only user to the frozen copy of the database so the Postgres connection details on the frozen website are correct. (This, along with --compare, also ensures that re-running the command will be idempotent.)

Make sure to commit and push your changes to the web repository.

The new frozen version will be picked up by the daily cronjob that regenerates the live website. You can also run the cronjob manually to pick it up immediately.