This page is part of a copy of HIRIS frozen in time on 26 October 2017. The permanent URL of this frozen version is:

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HIRIS: HIV-1 Reservoirs Integration Sites “high-rise”

HIRIS aims to provide a stable, authoritative, and standardized source of data for analysing HIV-1 integration sites from the viral reservoir. It seeks to support analyses using the tools of your choice, whether that’s R and ggplot or Excel and Prism.

The data contained within comes from a variety of published sources curated by the Mullins Lab. The database itself is regularly and automatically regenerated from our primary and secondary sources in order to incorporate changes and additions.

If you’d like to see your HIV-1 integration site data included, please email us.

Similar resources

A few other curated datasets of viral integration sites exist. You may find that some of them better fit your needs.

  • Retrovirus Integration Database (RID), a project of the National Cancer Institute HIV Dynamics and Replication Program, collects published data on HIV-1, HTLV-1, and MLV integration sites. Some of the data in HIRIS is derived from the RID dataset, and we gratefully acknowledge their prior work.
  • Dr. VIS is a clinically-focused database of disease-related viral integration sites.
  • RTCGD: Retrovirus and Transposon tagged Cancer Gene Database aggregates viral integration sites derived from mouse tumor model experiments.

Top 12 in vivo genes by # of Subjects and Unique IS

See an expanded version of this plot on the Top Genes page.

Rank Gene # of Subjects Unique IS Total IS
1 STAT5B 12 25 45
2 RPTOR 12 14 47
3 BACH2 10 67 112
4 SMG1P5 10 15 15
5 TNRC6C 10 14 14
6 NFATC3 10 12 14
7 SAE1 10 10 10
8 CYTH1 9 13 13
9 NSD1 9 12 15
10 ASH1L 8 11 11
11 PACS1 7 13 13
12 MKL1 7 10 15