You’re reading documentation for ISDB, an open-source software toolkit for building databases of viral integration sites in host genomes. If this is your first time hearing about ISDB, start on the home page.

Workflows for database maintenance

Running ISDB tools

All the scripts in the bin directory of the ISDB distribution can be run from the checkout and do not need to be installed. For example, both

user@host:~ $ cd path/to/isdb
user@host:isdb $ ./bin/generate-website


user@host:~ $ path/to/isdb/bin/generate-website

will work correctly.

All ISDB tools respect the database connection environment variables checked by PostgreSQL; see the Database connection documentation for details.

Loading sources

An ISDB is loaded with data from multiple sources. Each source is contained within its own directory holding all the necessary files for that source. Each source requires a file called integrations.csv, which contains integration data, and metadata.json, which provides some information about the source. More information is available in the Sources documentation.

A source can be loaded into the database using load-source.

user@host:~ $ ls
user@host:~ $ cd isdb
user@host:~/isdb $ ./bin/load-source --reload ../My-HIV-Integrations

Passing the --reload option to the load-source command completely reloads the given source. Existing records from that source are removed from the database, then records from the current version of the source are added.

Removing a source

The drop-source script deletes all integration records from a given source from the target database. It does not modify any of the files for the source data.

user@host:~/isdb $ ./bin/drop-source ../path/to/source/metadata.json

Generating the website

The generate-website script creates a static site describing the data in your ISDB, along with exported tabular summaries of the data. The HIRIS website is generated using the ISDB tools.

user@host:~/isdb $ ./bin/generate-website output-directory

The required output-directory argument gives the path where the site will be generated. We suggest using a different directory from your ISDB checkout and maintaining it under its own version control. For example, on first run:

user@host:isdb $ ./bin/generate-website ../my-db-website
user@host:isdb $ cd ../my-db-website
user@host:my-db-website $ git init
user@host:my-db-website $ git commit -am "Record initial website state"

And then subsequently:

user@host:isdb $ ./bin/generate-website ../my-db-website
user@host:isdb $ cd ../my-db-website
user@host:my-db-website $ git add -A
user@host:my-db-website $ git commit -m "Record website updates"

The contents of the my-db-website directory can then be placed in the document root of a web server. (Configuration of a web server is beyond the scope of this document.)

Run generate-website --help to see a summary of other options.

You may also want to learn more about tailoring the website for you, which includes information on keeping your website automatically up-to-date.

Exporting data files

The data files generated by generate-website can also be created without a website using the export tool, such as for storing on a network drive.

user@host:~/isdb $ ./bin/export output-directory

The required output-directory argument gives the path where the exported files will be saved. The files with names ending in .metadata.json generated by this tool store information used by export and generate-website tools and should be left in place in the output directory.

By default, the export tool outputs several data sets in several different formats. Run export --help to see a summary of other options.

Freezing a version of the database

Every database made with ISDB can be frozen at a point in time to prevent data drift during analyses. To learn more, read the freezing documentation.