RNA Extraction with Qiagen RNEASY Midi Kit
Provided by Midi Kit (Qiagen, #75142, 10 samples, $90.00):
45 ml Buffer RLT (contains GITC, add 10ml β-Mercaptoethanol per ml RLT before use)
45 ml Buffer RW1 (contains GITC and ethanol)
11 ml Buffer RPE (concentrate, add 44 ml 100% ethanol before use)
10 ml RNase-free water
10 RNeasy Midi columns (RNA binding capacity up to 1mg each)
To be supplied by user:
20 cc Syringe (UW Stores, 40/box, 0056-590, $11.12)
14.3 M β-Mercaptoethanol (Sigma, FW=78.13, 100 ml, M-7522, $15.40)
Ethanol (70% and 100%)
Wash cells once with PBS.
Lyse cells in buffer RLT (2 ml for up to 50 x 106 cells).
Homogenize cell lysate immediately by passing 10 times through 18 gauge needle with syringe.
Add 1 volume (2 ml) of 70% Ethanol, mix thoroughly.
Transfer sample to RNeasy Midi column in 15 ml tube
Centrifuge at 3000-5000 x g for 5 minutes; discard flow-through.
Add 4ml of buffer RW1.
entrifuge at 3000-5000 x g for 5 minutes; discard flow-through.
Add 2.5ml of buffer RPE.
Centrifuge at 3000-5000 x g for 2 minutes; discard flow-through.
Add 2.5ml of buffer RPE.
Centrifuge at 3000-5000 x g for 5 minutes; discard flow-through.
Transfer RNeasy Midi column to clean 15 ml tube.
Add max. 250 µl RNase-free H2O, incubate for 1 minute.
Centrifuge at 3000-5000 x g for 3 minutes
Add max. 250 µl RNase-free H2O, incubate for 1 minute.
Centrifuge at 3000-5000 x g for 3 minutes; discard column.
Read O.D. 260/280.
Give sample to CEA for Bioanalyzer run.