Aminoallyl labeling
Protocol for Amino-allyl Reverse Transcription and NHS-Cy Dye Labeling
- Single channel pipette: 0.5-10 µl, 10-100 µl, 200-1000 µl, Eppendorf
- Vacuum manifold, Millipore
- Speedvac
- Adjustable waterbaths (37° C, 42° C, 55° C, 100° C)
- 96-well Multiscreen-FB filter plate, Millipore, MAFB NOB 10
- Catch plate, VWR, 622409-108
- Pipette tips: 1-10 µl, 2-20 µl, 20-200 µl, 200-1000 µl, ART
- Tubes: 1.5ml
- Anchored dT25, dT23VN, 8 µM stock GibcoBRL
- Random 9-mers, NNNNNNNNN, 1 µg/µl stock Gibco-BRL
- GFP poly A+ RNA, prepared from plasmid pSP64-GFP
- SuperScript II, GibcoBRL, 200 U/µl, 18064-022 (includes 5X First Strand Buffer and DTT)
- Nucleotides, Pharmacia 27-2035-02, 100mM each*
- 5-(3-Aminoallyl)-2'-deoxyurindine 5'-triphosphate sodium salt (AA-dUTP), Sigma A-0410
- RNase Inhibitor, Boehringer Mannheim 799 017, 40U/ml
- Buffers, Sigma, 2.5M NaOH, 2M MOPS, 1M Tris-HCl pH 7.5 8.5
- 4M Hydroxylamine, Sigma H-2391
- 0.1M NaBicarbonate pH 9.0
- Monofunctional NHS-ester Cy3/Cy5, APBiotech PA23001/PA25001; resuspend each tube in 72µl H2O, aliquot 4.5µl into 16 tubes, dry in speedvac
- Millipore Binding Buffer (5.3M Gua-HCl in 150mM KAc, pH 4.8)
- Millipore Wash Solution (80% Ethanol)
- Slide pretreatment buffer, 5XSSC/0.2%SDS
- Hybridization Buffer (50% Formamide, 5X SSC, 5X Denhardt�s, 0.1%SDS, 100µg/ml ssDNA (Sigma), 100µg/ml COT-I DNA (BRL), 100µg/ml polyA72)
- Wash buffers, 1XSSC/0.2%SDS, 0.1XSSC/0.2%SDS, 0.1XSSC
* Nucleotide mix (20X): 10mM GTP, 10mM ATP, 10mM CTP, 4mM TTP, 4mM AA-dUTP
Reverse Transcription
- Mix together:
2 µg poly A+ RNA (or 50mg total RNA)
2 µl oligo dT23VN (8 mM)
2 µl random 9-mers (1mg/ml)
2.5 ng GFP poly A+ RNA
10.5 µl total volume
- Incubate at 70° C for 10 minutes, chill on ice 30 seconds, spin
- Add the following:
4 µl 5X First Strand Buffer
2 µl DTT (0.1M)
1 µl Nucleotide Mix (10mM G/A/C, 4mM T, 4mM AA-dUTP)
1 µl H2O
0.5 µl RNase Inhibitor
- Mix contents of tube gently and incubate at RT for 10 minutes
- Add 1 µl SuperScriptII
20 µl total reaction volume
- Mix contents of tube gently and incubate at 42°C for 2 hours
RNA hydrolysis and purification of cDNA
- Add 2 µl 2.5 M NaOH
- Incubate at 37°C for 10 minutes
- Add 10 µl 2 M MOPS
- Add 200 µl binding buffer to probe and mix
- Dispense into glass fiber filter plate
- Place filter plate on top of vacu-system and apply vacuum.
- Wash 6x with 80% fresh Ethanol
- Place filter plate on top of catch plate along with centrifuge alignment frame
- Do one dry spin to remove residual ethanol (3500 rpm, 5�)
- Add 50 µl H2O. Incubate 1 minute at RT
- Place filter plate on top of a clean catch plate along with a centrifuge alignment frame and spin (3000 rpm, 5�)
- Repeat with another 50 µl H2O
- Scan probe at OD 260nm, 550nm and 650nm.
- Dry in Speedvac until volume is less than 5µl (~45 minutes @ 50�C)
Coupling to NHS-ester Cy dyes
- Adjust volume of sample to 4.5µl
- Resuspend mono-functional NHS-ester Cy3 or Cy5 dye aliquot in 4.5µl of 0.1M NaBicarbonate Buffer pH 9.0
- Mix dye and cDNA
- Incubate 1 hr at RT (Note: there is no advantage to incubating longer)
Quenching the Reaction and Removal of uncoupled Cy dyes
- Add 4.5µl of 4M Hydroxylamine
- Add 16.5µl of H2O to bring the volume to 30µl
- Add 150µl of Millipore binding buffer, purify as above in Millipore 96 well plate, elute twice in 50µl aliquots of H2O
- Scan probe at OD 260nm, 550nm and 650nm and calculate probe yield, incorporated Cy-dye and specific activity
- Purify probe over G50 column (prespin column (3000 rpm 1�), transfer to new tube, apply probe, spin (3000rpm 2�), collect flow-through).
- Dry purified probe down in speedvac (~1.5 hours at 50 °C)
- Slide pretreatment: submerge mirrored slides for 40 minutes in 5XSSC/0.2%SDS at 55 °C (waterbath), rinse slide by two quick dips in ddH2O, air dry. Rinse coverslip in ddH2O and ethanol, air dry
- Resuspend dried down probe in Hybridization Buffer (25µl/reaction)
- Boil probe for 3 minutes, ice 30 seconds, spin briefly
- Apply probe to slide and cover with coverslip
- Incubate overnight (14-16 hrs) at 42 °C in humid chamber
- Preheat wash buffers to 55 °C
- Remove coverslip by immersing slide in 1XSSC/0.2%SDS
- Wash in 1XSSC/0.2% SDS for 10 minutes at RT
- Wash twice in 0.1XSSC/0.2%SDS at RT for 10 minutes
- Wash twice in 0.1XSSC at RT for 1 minute
- Rinse by two quick dips in ddH2O, dry with compressed air
- Scan (PMT 700, green (532nm), filter 1; PMT700, red (633nm), filter 2; width 10mm, length 60mm).