Mullins Molecular Retrovirology Lab

  • Department of Microbiology
  • School of Medicine
  • University of Washington
University of Washington/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research

Plasmid Linearization


  • 10X buffer

  • NotI

  • SalI

  • ddH2O

  • Agarose

  • Phenol

  • Chloroform

  • Ethanol

  • Glycogen

  • Sodium Acetate

  • Linear Acrylamide


1. Prepare 10 µg plasmid DNA in 5 µl ddH2O

2. Add:

a. 165 µl ddH2O

b. 20 µl NE Buffer #3

c. 10 µl NotI

3. Vortex, spin briefly

4. Incubate overnight at 37°C

5. Run 1% agarose gel:

a. 10 µl of reaction (digested plasmid)

b. 1 µl undigested plasmid

c. 1.6 µl 1kb ladder

d. 2.0 µl phi-x174 ladder

6. Continue if plasmid was cut completely

7. Do phenol/chlorofom extraction with 100 µl P/C pH 7.5

8. Pass top layer over G25 column

9. Add:

a. 1 µl glycogen

b. 30 µl 3M Sodium Acetate pH 7.5

c. 600 µl 100% Ethanol

10. Mix, precipitate for 20 minutes at -80°C

11. Spin 12 minutes at 14,000rpm

12. Wash pellet with 70% Ethanol

13. Wash pellet with 100% Ethanol

14. Dry pellet for 5 minutes

15. Dissolve pellet in 170 µl ddH2O

16. Add:

a. 20 µl NE Buffer for SalI

b. 10 µl SalI

17. Vortex, spin briefly

18. Incubate for 2 hours at 37°C

19. Run 1% agarose gel:

a. 6 µl of reaction (digested plasmid)

b. 1 µl undigested plasmid

c. 1 µl 1kb ladder

d. 1.4 µl phi-x174 ladder

20. Continue if plasmid was cut completely (2 bands)

21. Do phenol/chlorofom extraction with 100 µl P/C pH 7.5

22. Pass top layer over G25 column

23. Add:

a. 1 µl linear acrylamide

b. 30 µl 3M Sodium Acetate pH 7.5

c. 600 µl 100% Ethanol

24. Mix, precipitate for 20 minutes at -80°C

25. Wash pellet with 70% Ethanol

26. Wash pellet with 100% Ethanol

27. Dry pellet for 5 minutes

28. Dissolve pellet in 11 µl ddH2O

Svetlana Mikheeva, 13 August 1999