Citation Information
Gottlieb GS, Smith RA, Dia Badiane NM, Ba S, Hawes SE, Toure M, Starling AK, Traore F, Sall F, Cherne SL, Stern J, Wong KG, Lu P, Kim M, Raugi DN, Lam A, Mullins JI, Kiviat NB, Papa Salif Sow for the UW-Dakar HIV-2 Study Group (2011). HIV-2 integrase variation in integrase inhibitor-naïve adults in Senegal, West Africa. PloS one, 6(7), e22204. (pubmed) (doi)
Antiretroviral therapy for HIV-2 infection is hampered by intrinsic resistance to many of the drugs used to treat HIV-1. Limited studies suggest that the integrase inhibitors (INIs) raltegravir and elvitegravir have potent activity against HIV-2 in culture and in infected patients. There is a paucity of data on genotypic variation in HIV-2 integrase that might confer intrinsic or transmitted INI resistance.